Project Management Inquiry

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Overview of NA311INQ

The Project Management Inquiry screen allows you to search for and view projects within the system.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Project Management
  • Double-click Project Management Inquiry. You will see this screen:

Project Inquiry 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Project # To search by project number, enter that number here
Include sub-projects If you wish to search sub-projects as well as projects, select this box
Title To search by title, enter the project title here. This field does NOT support wild card searches
Project code TO search by project code, enter the code or click the list icon to select from a list of active project codes in the system
Fiscal year To search for projects in a particular fiscal year, enter the fiscal year here
Summary To search by summary, enter the summary information. To search for a particular word or partial word, type it with an asterisk at the end. For example, Tes* will return all summaries with the letters "tes" in the verbiage
Partner PIN TO search by partner PIN, type the pin or click the search icon to launch the Name/Address Inquiry
Occurring between/thru If you wish to search by project start or end date, enter the date range you wish to search. Type the dates in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icons to select the dates
Attribute If you wish to search by a particular attribute, click the "Click to add" beneath attribute. This will launch a drop down list that you can select an attribute from. Once you select the attribute, you can select the corresponding value. You can search by multiple attributes

Once you have entered your search parameters, click Search. The results will appear as such:

Project Inquiry 2.png

To view a particular project, double-click it. This will launch the Project Management Maintenance screen for that project. Click Exit to return to your search results.

Display in Spreadsheet

If you wish, you can display your search results in a spreadsheet. Right click on any column header and select Display in Spreadsheet.

Adding/Removing Columns

This screen allows you to add or remove columns from the inquiry results area. To do so, click the Columns button:

Project Inquiry 3.png

This launches the Columns screen:

Project Inquiry 4.png

To add or remove a column, click the box to the left of the column. If the box has a green checkmark, it will appear on the inquiry screen.

When you have finished adding or removing columns, click the X in the upper right corner of the Project Management Columns screen to return to the Inquiry screen.

To start a new search, click the Clear button. This will remove the parameters and results, and allow you to enter new search parameters.