Process Template Maintenance

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Overview of NA300UPD

The Process Template Maintenance screen allows you to configure the process templates for use in the system. Prior to setting up a process template, you will want to configure your organization's category and classes for both processes and steps.

  • A class groups together similar actions within a process or step
  • A category groups together similar classes

For example, if you are configuring a process for investor development, you might have process categories of Develop Investor, Maintain Investor or Reacquire Investor. Within the Develop Investor, you might have classes set up for Church Members, Organization Employees or Individual Investors. For the step categories, you might have Direct Mail, Events, Email Marketing and Phone Calls. Within those step categories, you might have classes such as Flyers, post cards or letters.

You should set up process classes and categories, along with step classes and categories, prior to setting up a template. You will also want to set up any Step Action codes you wish to use. Step actions can be things such as Mail letter, Phone Call, or Attach File.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Process Management
  • Double-click Process Template Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Process Template Maint 1.png

Adding a New Process Template

To add a new process template, click the New button on the toolbar. You will see this screen:

Process Template Maint 2.png

Process Setup tab

Until you complete the Process Setup tab, the Steps tab will not be activated. The following fields are available on the Process Setup tab:

Field Description
Title Alphanumeric title of the process template
Category Click the drop down arrow to select the category that this process will be assigned to
Use with This field tells the system which type of record the process can be assigned to. Process templates can NOT be assigned to more than one record type. If you wish to use the same process for accounts as constituents, for example, you'll have to set up two process templates - one for Constituent, the other for Accounts
Class Click the drop down arrow to select the class that this process will be assigned to
Allow users to reorder steps If this is selected, your users can shift the order of the steps within the process
Process active from/thru You must at least enter a starting date for the process. If the process is for a specific time frame, users will not be able to select the process unless the business date is within that range. Enter the date(s) in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon(s) to select the date(s)
Auto assign steps to process owner If this box is selected, the process steps will automatically be assigned to the process owner. If it is not selected, steps can be assigned to other users in the system
Expected results Brief description of the expected results of this process. For example, an investor development process might have the expected result of "New Investor is Acquired"
Description Alphanumeric description of the process.
Opportunity amt If applicable, you can enter the expected average dollar amount that successful completion of the process is expected to result in. For example, if you anticipate that the average investment will be $5,000.00, you can enter that here

Once you have entered the process information, click Save. The Steps tab will now be activated, as will the attachments area:

Process Template Maint 3.png

Attaching Documents to a Process

If your organization utilizes certain templates for the overall process, you can attach them here. If you have templates for specific steps, they can be attached to the step, rather than to the overall process. To add an attachment at the process level, click the Add button:

Process Template Maint 4.png

The Add attachment box will launch:

Process Template Maint 5.png

Navigate to the location of the file you wish to add, and select it. The attachment is now added to the Process:

Process Template Maint 6.png

To view the attachment, click the View button. You can also delete the attachment by clicking the Delete button.

Steps tab

Once a process is saved, you can add steps. Click the Steps tab. You will see this screen:

Process Template Maint 7.png

To add a new step, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will now activate:

Process Template Maint 8.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Title Alphanumeric title of the process step
Category Click the drop down arrow to select the step category
Probability Percentage indicating the probability that the process will successfully reach its conclusion if this step is completed. Typically the greater the number of steps completed, the greater the likelihood of process completion. Therefore the probability usually rises with each successive step. This percentage is multiplied by the opportunity amount of the process to determine the approximate value of each step’s completion to the organization (for reporting and forecasting purposes)
Class Click the drop down arrow to select the process step class
Expected duration Number of days the step is expected to take to reach completion. This is used to calculate the projected start and end date of steps
Action Click the drop down arrow to select the step action
Optional If Optional is selected, the users can bypass this step in the process. If not, the step is required and cannot be skipped
Role assignment Job title or short description of the role of the individual expected to complete this step
Removable If selected, users can remove this step from the process
Expected results Brief description of the expected results of this step
Description Alphanumeric description of the step

When you have finished entering the information, click Save. The step now appears as such:

Process Template Maint 9.png

You now have the option of adding an attachment to the step:

Process Template Maint 10.png

Proceed with adding all of the steps for this process, along with any attachments that apply to each step. When you are finished, your steps tab might look something like this:

Process Template Maint 11.png

Copying an Existing Process Template

If you have a process template for a particular record, and you wish to copy it for use with other records, you can do so by using the Copy function. Select the template you wish to use, and then click the Copy button:

Process Template Maint 12.png

This creates a copy of the template, and enables the fields for modification:

Process Template Maint 13.png

Make the modifications you wish, and then click Save. The new template is now created:

Process Template Maint 14.png

Editing an Existing Process Template

To edit an existing template, you can either double-click it or click it once to highlight and then click the Edit button. Make the needed changes, and click Save to retain them.