Portfolio Type Maintenance

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Overview of IL700

The Portfolio Type Maintenance module is where each type of investment (e.g., certificate of deposit, common stock, mutual fund) is described and specifies the general ledger accounts affected by different financial transactions related to a given type of investment.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Portfolio
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Portfolio Type Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Portfolio Type Maint 1.png

To add a new portfolio type, click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields will activate for editing:

Portfolio Type Maint 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Type Unique ID number for the portfolio type
Description The name of the portfolio type
Group Grouping of portfolio types (Cash Equivalent, Short-Term, Other). Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active group codes in the system
Interest frequency When interest is expected to be received. Used to determine the time during the year to calculate interest. Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active interest frequency codes in the system
Short term Flag to control if portfolio is short-term, as defined as a security with a lifespan between 90 days and one year. Used to determine if interest is paid on dates other than the maturity date
Unit item Indicates whether portfolio value is based on a number of items and unit cost. Opposite of portfolio based on face value
Accrue interest Select if interest is to be accrued for the portfolio type
Paid interest at maturity Indicates whether interest is paid exclusively at the maturity date
Paid interest Indicates whether interest is paid
Principal General-ledger account number for principal asset accounting
Interest General-ledger asset account used to track interest expected to be received from a portfolio instrument. Typically a receivable account
Income General-ledger account number to credit interest or dividend income
Premium General-ledger asset account used to track the amount above face value that has been paid for a portfolio instrument. Typically associated with bonds or treasury bills where the interest rate is more than current interest rates available in the market at the time of bond purchase
Discount General-ledger asset account used to track the amount below face value that has been paid for a portfolio instrument. Typically associated with bonds or treasury bills where the interest rate is less than the current interest rates available in the market at the time of bond purchase
Prem/Disc General-ledger account number to apply premium or discount at purchase
Cash General-ledger account number to charge all cash transactions
Gain/Loss General-ledger account number for gain/loss on sale

When you have finished making your changes on this screen, click Save to retain your changes.