Planned Gift Maintenance

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Overview of FR450UPD

Planned giving, also known as deferred giving, involves fundraising for specific types of gifts. Planned gifts require an advance agreement between parties. Therefore there must be some degree of management and planning between the donor and the organization benefiting from the gift. Planned gifts may be monetary gifts or gifts of property.

Planned Giving is simply a record-keeping function in Connect-FR. The information it contains does not cause transactions to be created, nor does it affect the general ledger.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect FR
  • Double-click Planned Giving
  • Double-click Planned Gift Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Planned Gift Maint 1.png

In order to enter a new planned gift, you must first select the account. Type the Master ID or click the search icon to locate the account. Once you have selected the account, click the New button on the toolbar. The fields on the screen will activate for data entry:

Planned Gift Maint 2.png

Planned Gift Tab

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
In estate plan? Click the drop down arrow to select whether or not the planned gift is in the donor's estate plan
Estate plan on file? Click the drop down arrow to select whether or not your organization has a copy of the donor's estate plan on file
Initial notice date The date when your organization was initially notified about the planned gift. Type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Acknowledged? Click the drop down arrow to indicate whether or not you have acknowledged the gift with the donor
on Date that the gift was acknowledged. You can type the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
Trustee PIN Account ID number of the trustee for this planned gift, if applicable
Promo type If the donor has indicated that this planned gift is to be used for a specific purpose, you can associate the gift with a promo type. Type the promo type code or click the list icon to select from a list of active promo type codes in the system
Designation Open, alphanumeric description of any specific designation for which this planned gift is intended to be used
Maturity fiscal year Estimated fiscal year when this planned gift will mature
Valuation date If applicable, the date that this planned gift was reviewed and appraised/valued to determine book value
Realized? Selection indicating whether this planned gift has been fully realized. Click the drop down arrow to select yes/no/unknown
Book value Value of this planned gift as recorded in your organization’s financial records
Revocable? Selection indicating whether this planned gift can be revoked. Click the drop down arrow to select yes/no/unknown
Market value Market value of this planned gift at the time it was given
Deduction amt Amount the donor took as a tax deduction for this planned gift
Present value Current value of the planned gift
Memo Open, alphanumeric notes regarding the planned gift
Giving vehicle Selection indicating the mechanism by which the planned gift is being made: bequest, annuity, trust, etc. The selection in this list determines what fields display on the Giving Vehicle tab. Click the drop down arrow to select the giving vehicle from a list of selections in the system

Giving Vehicle tab

The fields on this tab will change based on the selection you make in the Giving Vehicle field above. For example, if you select Bequest, there is but one field:

Planned Gift Maint 3.png

If, however, you select Gift Annuity as the vehicle, the fields will change:

Planned Gift Maint 4.png

Beneficiaries tab

If your organization is aware of the beneficiaries in the estate plan that this planned gift belongs to, you can add the beneficiary information on this tab. Type the PIN or click the search icon to locate the beneficiary in your database. You can also click the add icon to add the beneficiary to your database. When you have selected the PIN, click the Add button to add the beneficiary to the list:

Planned Gift Maint 5.png

After you click Add, the list will be updated and you can add additional beneficiaries:

Planned Gift Maint 6.png

When you have finished entering all of the information, click Save to retain your changes.

Memos tab

After you save the planned gift, the Memos tab will become active:

Planned Gift Maint 7.png

On this tab, you can add and modify memos for the planned gift