Placing Cash Items on Hold

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Within DDI-Connect, you can place a payment on hold until you are ready to process it. To do so:

Go to Payment Processing and locate the batch containing the item you wish to place on hold:

Hold 1.png

In the detail area of the screen, double-click the payment that you are placing on hold:

Hold 2.png

Double-click “Hold/Dispose Item”. The following screen launches:

Hold 3.png

Click the drop down arrow to select the reason that this item cannot be deposited:

Hold 4.png

Once you have selected your reason, select the action (Hold or Dispose):

Hold 5.png

You can also add a comment to the hold. Once you have made your selections, click OK. The item now appears as “processed”. This allows job processing to run, despite the check not actually having been applied:

Hold 6.png

To Process a Held Item

When you are ready to process a held item, go to Cash Receipts Stage 1 and create a new batch:

Hold 7.png

From the toolbar, click Item and select “Insert Held Check”:

Hold 8.png

If you have multiple held checks, you will see the list here. To select an item, you can click once to highlight and then click “OK”, or you can double-click it. It is now added to the batch:

Hold 9.png

You can now process it as you would any other payment item.