Payment Processing IL

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Overview of IL180

Once cash receipts have been entered, you must apply the payments in order for the system to acknowledge their receipt.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Data Processing
  • Double-click Payment Processing. You will see this screen:

CEF Cash 10.png

Locate the batch that you wish to work with. When you click on it, the Detail will populate:

CEF Cash 11.png

To process an item, double-click on the line. The transactions tab now becomes active:

CEF Cash 12.png

For the purposes of this document, we will assume that the transaction being processed is a loan payment. Double-click the Loan Transactions item:

CEF Cash 13.png

Double-click the Loan Payment item:

CEF Cash 14.png

If you entered a loan number in the Reference field of the cash item, the system will pull up the loan and populate the fields of the loan payment screen:

CEF Cash Processing 15.png

If you did not, the system will prompt you to enter the loan number before populating the payment fields:

CEF Cash Processing 16.png

Enter the loan number and press Enter or click Find. The system will locate the loan and populate the information:

CEF Cash Processing 17.png

Review the information and verify that it is correct, and then click Save to apply the payment. You will see this message:

Transaction Successful.png

Click OK. You will be returned to the Payment Processing screen to continue processing the batch.