Payment Processing FR

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Overview of CR12UPD

Once you have entered cash receipts, you have to process the payments in order for the system to acknowledge that they have been received.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Daily Cash Processing
  • Double-click Receipt Processing (Stage 2). You will see a screen similar to this one:

FR Receipt Processing 1.png

Locate the batch that you wish to work with. When you have found it, click it once to display the checks in the batch:

FR Receipt Processing 2.png

To process a check, double-click it. This will activate the Transactions tab:

FR Receipt Processing 3.png

We are going to assume that you are processing gifts. Double-click the Connect FR folder. The sub menu will appear:

FR Receipt Processing 4.png

Double-click Gift. This will launch the Gift Entry screen. Complete the gift entry and click Save. The gift will be processed, and you will be returned to the Receipt Processing screen to continue processing the batch:

FR Receipt Processing 5.png