Loan Fee Assessment

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Assessing a Loan Fee (IL467)

Fees can be assessed for Loan Fee Types that are set up and active in Loan Fee Type Maintenance. The fees are capitalized so it gets added to the Loan Balance.

To access the loan fee assessment screen:

  • Double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Loan
  • Double-click Transactions
  • Double-click Loan Fee Assessment. You will see this screen:


'Assess a Loan Fee

To assess a Loan Fee:

1. Search for or select the Loan from the list:


2. Select the fee that you would like to apply to the Loan from the bottom section of the screen:


3. Click to Save

4. The Fee can now be seen in the Loan Fee History:



The Fee can be seen in the associated Loan record's Loan Fee History:
