Loan Application Fee Payments

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Overview of IL417

Loan application fee payments are processed via the cash receipts stage 1 screen. This procedure assumes that you are familiar with the payment processing/cash processing screens, so the instructions begin with Stage 2 of cash processing, which is applying the payments.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Data Processing
  • Double-click Payment Processing. The Payment Processing screen will launch:

Loan App Processing 1.png

Locate the batch containing the payment(s) you wish to apply, and click once to highlight:

Loan App Processing 2.png

In the Detail area, double-click the item you wish to process. The Transactions tab will populate:

Loan App Processing 3.png

Double-click the Loan Transactions item. You will see these options:

Loan App Processing 4.png

Double-click Loan Application Fee Payment. This will launch the Loan Application Fee Payment screen:

Loan App Processing 5.png

If you entered a valid loan number in the Reference field of the payment item, the system will locate the loan # and pre-populate the information. If you did NOT enter the loan number in the payment item, you can key in the loan number and press Enter or click Find, or you can click the list icon to locate and select the loan.

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Check Balance The total amount of the check
Payment Amount Amount of the payment
Application Fee Due Amount due in application fees for this loan
Application Fee Paid Amount of Application fees paid for this loan
Application Fee Balance Amount of Application fees paid for this loan and not refunded
Application Fee YTD Amount of Application fees paid for this loan for this calendar year

Adjust the fields as needed, and click Save. You will see this message:

Loan App Processing 6.png

If you are sure, click Yes. You will then see this message:

Transaction Successful.png

Click OK to return to the Payment Processing screen.