Line of Credit Advance

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Overview of IL803

Once you’ve created a new line of credit, you can begin advancing funds to the borrower as requested up to the designated credit limit. Advancing funds against a line of credit reduces the amount of credit available under this line until the money (minus any fees due) is repaid.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click on Financial Services
  • Double-click Line of Credit
  • Double-click Transactions
  • Double-click Line of Credit Advance. You will see this screen:

LOC Advance 1.png

Type the line # in the field and click Find, or click the list icon to select from a list of lines of credit in the system. The information will populate the screen:

LOC Advance 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Last advance Date of the most-recent advance for the selected line of credit. Display only
Credit available Dollar amount of available (un-advanced) credit for this line. Display only
Credit limit Maximum dollar amount available to advance. Display only
Advance Dollar amount requested in this advance. An error displays when you attempt to save the advance if the requested amount is greater than the available credit for this line. This field is editable while in the default mode. Clicking the Mode button in the toolbar makes this a display-only field whose value is calculated based on the value input in the Net advance field
Credit balance Cumulative advanced amount that has not been repaid by the borrower. Display only
Less fees Fee amount applicable on the requested advance. The amount in the Advance field times the percentage in the Fee rate field. Display only
Fee rate Fee percentage applicable on this advance request. Display only
Interest due Current interest-due balance for this line of credit. Display only
Net advance Amount of the advance net of any applicable fees. Display only while in the default mode. Clicking the Mode button in the toolbar makes this field editable
Advance payee Individual to whom the advance is payable. This comes from the line-of-credit, master-account record
Advance method Method of payment for the advance. Click the drop down arrow to select the method you wish to use

When you have finished entering the information, click Save. If the advance is successful, you will see this message:

LOC Advance 3.png

Click OK. The advance will be issued, and you will be returned to the Advance screen.