Letter Maintenance

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Overview of FR050UPD

The Letter Maintenance screen allows you to configure gift receipts based on promo type, promo source, dollar amounts and/or AI codes. This allows the DDI Connect system to automatically select a gift receipt or letter, based on the parameters you select.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect-FR
  • Double-click FR System Setup
  • Double-click Letter Maintenance. You will see a screen similar to this one:

FR Letter Maint 1.png

To add a new letter, you must first have added it in Merge Form Maintenance. Once you have added the form there, you can add it here. Click the New button on the toolbar. The fields will enable for editing:

FR Letter Maint 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Letter Code Enter a short, unique code for this letter
Description Enter a brief description of this letter
Form Type the form code or click the list icon to select from a list of active forms in the system
Promo type If you wish to set this letter to only generate for a particular promo type, you can do so here. Type the promo type code or click the list icon to select from a list of active promo types in the system
Promo sour If you wish to set this letter to only generate for a particular promo source, you can do so here. Type the promo source code or click the list icon to select from a list of active promo sources in the system
Country If you wish to set this letter to only generate for a particular country code (otherwise known as Designation 1), you can do so here. Type the country code or click the list icon to select from a list of active country codes in the system
Program If you wish to set this letter to only generate for a particular program code (otherwise known as Designation 2), you can do so here. Type the program code or click the list icon to select from a list of active program codes in the system
Start amount If you wish to generate this letter when a gift is equal to or more than a certain dollar amount, you can do so here. Enter the beginning dollar amount
End amount If you wish to generate this letter when a gift is equal to or less than a certain dollar amount, you can do so here. Enter the ending dollar amount
AI include If you wish to generate the letter only when one or more AI codes are on the constituent's record, you can do so here. Type the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system
AI exclude If you wish to exclude one or more AI codes, you can do so here. Type the code or codes, separated by commas, or click the list icon to select from a list of active AI codes in the system
Inkind gifts If this letter should be sent for inkind as well as other types of gifts, select this box
Priority Set the priority for this letter. The priority dictates where in the merge and print order this letter type falls. Priority is a required field

When you have finished entering the parameters, click Save to retain your changes.