Item Substitutions

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Overview of IV130

Item Substitutions allows inventory items to be defined as substitutions for other inventory items that are not currently available or are obsolete. Three kinds of substitutions are available: required, recommended, and acceptable. A required substitution is required on all orders: no override is allowed. A recommended substitution should be the recommended one if the source item is ordered. However, the user could override and order the original item. An acceptable substitution can be used if the original item is currently not in stock. Substitutions can be added, edited, and deleted through this application.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Inventory
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Item Substitutions. You will see this screen:

Item Substitutions 1.png

In order to set up item substitutions, you must first enter the Item Number you wish to work with. You can type the number into the Item number field, click the catalog icon to launch the Inventory Catalog, or click the list icon to launch the Item Catalog. Once you have selected the item you wish to work with, you will see this screen:

Item Substitutions 2.png

To add a new substitution, click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields will enable for data entry:

Item Substitutions 3.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Substitute item number Enter the Item Number to be used as a substitute. You can type the number into the Item number field, click the catalog icon to launch the Inventory Catalog, or click the list icon to launch the Item Catalog
Substitution type Click the drop down arrow to select the substitution type. Your options are: required, recommended, and acceptable. A required substitution is required on all orders: no override is allowed. A recommended substitution should be the recommended one if the source item is ordered. However, the user could override and order the original item. An acceptable substitution can be used if the original item is currently not in stock

When you have entered the information, click Save. The line item is added to the Item Substitution Summary. You can now add additional substitutions if desired.