Item Pricing

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Overview of IV140

The purpose of Item Pricing is to build a pricing structure for specific item quantities. The pricing may set minimum and multiple quantity price incentives for customers. Many price levels can be set based on minimum and multiple quantity requirements. These structures are used to look up prices for billing purposes. Pricing structures can be added, edited, and deleted with this application.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Inventory
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Item Pricing. You will see this screen:

Item Pricing 1.png

To begin, you must enter an Item Number. You can type the item number, click the catalog icon to view the Inventory Catalog, or click the list icon to view the Item Catalog. Once you have selected the item, you will see this screen:

Item Pricing 2.png

To add item pricing, click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields will now enable for data entry:

Item Pricing 3.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Minimum quantity Enter the minimum quantity that must be ordered in order to receive the pricing
Minimum price Enter the minimum price that can be applied for this pricing line
Unit multiple If you are not offering packaging discounts (i.e., lower cost for ordering a group of items, such as 10), leave the unit multiple at 1. If you are offering discounts if a certain quantity is ordered, enter that quantity here
Unit price Enter the unit price for this line item

When you have finished entering the information, click Save. The new line item is added to the pricing summary area of the screen. Repeat for each pricing line that you wish to enter for this item.