Item Groupings

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Overview of AR18

Item groupings contain lists of items that are subsets of all items in the Inventory Catalog. The items are listed by groups, part number, and description. The purpose of such groups is to categorize item records, making it easier to search for them (groupings for consignment orders, for example). Groups and items are laid out in a tree format independent of their physical locations.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Order Entry
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Item Groupings. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Item Groupings 1.png

Add Item

To add a new item to an existing group, the item must first have been added to the Inventory system using the Item Catalog. Once the item is added, you can add it to the Items Groupings. To do so, click the group and then click Add Item. This pop up will appear:

Item Groupings 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Item Key in the Item number or click the icon to the right of the field to select from the Inventory Catalog
Standard order quantity If there is a standard order quantity for this item, enter it here
Minimum order quantity If there is a minimum order quantity for this item, enter it here
Maximum order quantity If there is a maximum order quantity for this item, enter it here
Required If this item is required, enter Yes. Otherwise, leave at no

When you have finished entering the information, click OK. The new item is now added to the selected group:

Item Groupings 3.png

Add Group

To add a new group, click the Add Group button on the toolbar. The Group Properties box will appear:

Item Groupings 4.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Group PIN The system will automatically assign the next available group PIN. This field is display only
Group Type Enter a two digit group type code
Group Name Enter the group name
Base Quantity If the group has a required base quantity, enter it here

When you have finished entering the information, click OK to add the new group. The group will be added to the Item Groupings screen:

Item Groupings 5.png

Editing a Group or Item

To edit either a group or an item, click it once to highlight, and then click the Properties button on the toolbar. This will launch the Item/Group Properties box:

Item Groupings 6.png

The fields available for editing will be enabled for data entry. When you have finished making your changes, click OK to save them.

Moving an Item or Group

If you wish to reorder your Item Groupings list, or move an item from one group to another, you can do so from this screen. You can either click and drag the item or group to the new location, or you can click it once to highlight and then click the Cut (or Copy) button on the toolbar. Then, click the new location and select Paste.

Once you have finished reordering the screen, click Save to retain your changes.

Using the Search

To use the Search for function, type all or part of the search string and then click Search. For example, searching "AC 03" will search all item numbers for those that contain AC 03 and display the first matching result:

Item Groupings 7.png

To begin a new search, click the Clear button.