Investment Note Approval

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Overview of IL278

The DDI-Connect Investments system includes the capability to require approvals by authorized personnel in three areas: investment notes (new notes, transfers, duplicates), investment withdrawals, and demand-note deposits. Your organization can elect to employ approvals in any or all of these areas, or in none of them. Enable or disable this functionality through Investment System Settings.

Approvals enable your organization to proceed with note issuance, note withdrawals, and/or demand-note deposits. They provide tighter control over these processes where needed. Approvals are also tied to the current business date such that you will not be able to change the business date as long as there are unapproved items in any enabled area. To process investment note approvals:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Investments
  • Double-click Approval
  • Double-click Investment Note Approval. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Investment Note Approval 1.png

If you wish to display only those notes awaiting approval, click the drop down arrow next to the Display field and select Unapproved Notes. The first unapproved note will populate the screen:

Investment Note Approval 2.png

If you wish to modify any of the information on the investment or account, you can do so by clicking the Update button on the toolbar and selecting either investment, account or tax id.

To approve the investment note, click the Approve button on the toolbar:

Investment Note Approval 3.png

To navigate to the next unapproved investment, click the Next button on the toolbar. You can also use first, previous and last to navigate through the investments awaiting approval. If you wish to view the investment, click the View button on the toolbar. This will take you to the Investment Inquiry screen. Click exit to return to the Approve Investment Notes.

When you have finished approving notes, click Exit to leave the screen.