Accounts Inquiry

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Overview of NA151INQ

If you click the Accounts button from Name/Address Entry, you are taken to the Accounts Inquiry screen. It will look something like this:

Accounts Inquiry 1.png

To view an account linked to the constituent, you can either click it once and select View, or you can double-click it. This will launch the Account Entry screen in View mode.

Along the top of the screen, you will see icons for each of the items that the constituent has accounts with you for. Investments, loans, etc.). Clicking these buttons will launch the appropriate viewer. NOTE: The buttons will only appear on the toolbar if the selected constituent has those accounts with your organization. For example, if the constituent does not have any loans with your organization, the Loans button will not appear.


When you click the Loans button, you will see a screen like this one:

Accounts Inquiry 2.png

If you double-click any of the items, the Detailed Loan Inquiry for that loan will appear. Click Exit to return to the loans inquiry list. Click Exit again to return to the Accounts Inquiry screen.


If you click the Invest button, you will see a screen like this one:

Accounts Inquiry 3.png

If you double-click any of the items, the Investment Inquiry screen will launch. Click Exit to return to the investment inquiry list.

If you click the Estimator button, the Investment Estimator screen will launch. When you have finished, click Exit to return to the investment inquiry list. Click Exit again to return to the Accounts Inquiry screen.


If you click the Line button, the Line of Credit inquiry screen will launch:

Accounts Inquiry 4.png

To view any of the lines listed here, double-click one of them. The Line of Credit Maintenance screen will appear. When you have finished viewing, click Exit to return to the Line of Credit inquiry screen. Click Exit again to return to the Accounts Inquiry screen.


If you click the Port button, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Accounts Inquiry 5.png

To view any of the portfolios listed here, double-click a line. The Detailed Portfolio Inquiry screen will launch. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Portfolio inquiry list. Click Exit again to return to the Accounts Inquiry screen.


It occasionally becomes necessary to merge two accounts. NOTE: If either account is attached to an investment, loan, line of credit or portfolio, you will not be able to merge the accounts.

From the Account Inquiry screen, you can click the Merge button. This will launch the Merge Two Accounts screen:

Merge Two Accounts 1.png

First, select whether you are going to merge into account #1 (keeping Account 1) or into account 2 (keeping Account 2).

Next, in the Master ID field, key in the master ID for the second account. You can also click the Search icon to launch Name/Address Inquiry. Once you have located the second account, your screen will look like this:

Merge Two Accounts 2.png

Review the screen, to ensure that you are merging the proper direction and keeping the desired record. If it is all correct, click OK. The accounts will be merged, and you will be returned to the Account Inquiry screen.