How do I find a screen or report?

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I'm trying to locate a screen/report, and it's not on my menu where the documentation says it should be. How do I find it?

Many organizations rearrange their menu to better suit their needs. The fastest way to locate a menu item is to right click any folder on your menu and select the Find option:


The Find Program screen will appear:

Find Program.png

The fastest search is to enter the program name. For a screen, that's in the lower left corner of the screen. For reports, it's in the report header. The documentation for that report/screen will provide the program name. For example, if you are looking for the investments by type and rate report, you would search for IL235.

If you do not know the program name, you can enter part of the name, such as "inquiry" or "asset". Please note, however, that this is a less effective method of searching.

Once you enter the program name, click OK. The system will locate the program in the menu for you. Please note - this search will ONLY find items that are on the left will not find programs or screens that are not on the menu.