How Can I Get a List of Constituents or Accounts without Email Addresses?

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I need to find out how many constituent records are in the system without email addresses. How can I generate that list?

This list can be generated using the Extract Module. You will search for Constituents, as the email information is pulled from the constituent record to the account record. To set up the query:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Extract Module
  • Double-click Information Query
  • On the screen that appears, click the Name tab. You will see this screen:

Blank Email 1.png

On this screen, click the Constituents radio button. This will enable additional fields:

Blank Email 2.png

In the Constituent email drop down, select either Blank email addresses or Blank or Invalid email addresses:

Blank Email 3.png

You can now click the Outputs tab and do a data file output of the constituents with blank (or blank and/or invalid) email addresses.