How Can I Generate a List of Active Investors for Mailing Labels?

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We need to generate mailing labels for all active investors. How can we do this?

You will use the extract module to do this. Since this is a recurring need, we recommend that you set up and save the extract.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Extract Module
  • Double-click Information Query
  • Click the Name tab, and verify that "Accounts" is selected
  • Click the Other forms tab
  • In the Criteria form field, click the drop down and select Investment information. You'll see this screen:

Investor Labels 1.png

In the Active Investment line, select "Must have". This will give you active investors

Click the Output tab. In the Output format field, select Data file. You can now generate a csv file of all active investors for the purpose of creating mailing labels. Once you have configured your output selections, click the Save button on the toolbar. This will launch the Save Query box:

Investor Labels 2.png

Enter a name, such as "Active Investor Labels". If you wish to allow other users to utilize this query, select that box. Then, click OK. The query/extract is now saved and can be run at any time.