HP Settings Maintenance

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Overview of HP001SET

The HP Settings Maintenance screen is used to set up and maintain the Health Policy System Settings. From this screen, you are able to define the base system settings, which include the default parameters used by the Health Policy system.

  • From the DDI-Connect main menu, double-click Health Policy
  • Double-click HP Settings Maintenance. You will see a screen similar to this one:


To edit the settings on this screen, click the Edit button on the toolbar:


The following fields are available for modification on this screen:

Field Description
FSA fee This is the Flexible Spending Account fee (percent or flat fee)
FSA fee applies to This selects where the FSA applies to
FSA fee AI exclusions If there are AI exclusions for FSA fees, enter those here
Late fee Late fee entered as a percent or dollar amount
Grace period Enter in the number of grace period days
Service fee AI exclusions If there are AI exclusions for service fees, enter those here
Default premium due day This is a required field, and establishes the default day of the month that premiums are due when new policies are added. This number must be 1 or greater, and cannot exceed 31
Posting Mode Click the drop down arrow to select the General Ledger posting method to be used for Health Policy transactions. IF you select Detailed Posting, each individual transaction is itemized when posted. If you select consolidated, transactions are grouped by GL account and posted. Your third option is No posting.
Default A/P account This is the default Accounts Payable account
Default checking account This is the default checking account
General Ledger Accounts This screen lists the necessary GL accounts to be configured for the health policy system. For each line item in this screen, enter the GL account to be used. When you click on the GL account field for the line item, the field will enable - you can either type the GL number or click the ... button to select the G/L account to be used:

HC System Settings 3.png

When you have finished entering all the information, click Save to retain your changes.