Generating Mailing Labels

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How do we generate mailing labels from DDI-Connect?

There are a number of methods for generating mailing labels within DDI-Connect. How you choose to generate the labels will depend on your preferred method for doing so, and what information you are wanting to include on the labels.

From some inquiry screens, there is a Labels button on the toolbar:

Label Export 1.png

When you click that button, you have a couple of options:

Label Export 2.png

If you are just wanting to generate mailing labels, you would select the "Export Labels" option. The second option allows you to append mailing label information to an existing file, and includes information such as the quantity of materials to be shipped to each addressee. For example: If you are shipping materials to field offices, and each office receives a certain number of each piece, you would use the second export option. If, however, you simply wish to generate a file containing mailing information for the results of a query, you would use the first option "Export Labels".

When you select the Export Labels option, the system prompts you with the parameters to be used:

Label Export 3.png

Select the options you wish to use for the export, then click OK. The system will build the labels as a text file, and will prompt you to save the file in the desired location. Once you save the file, you can then use it as the data source for creating labels in your preferred word processing program.

Another option is to use the Extract Module, and generate mailing labels that way.

Finally, many of the reports within DDI-Connect allow you to export the results to CSV. The CSV files can then be used in conjunction with your preferred word processing program to build labels.