Generate List of All Emails

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How Do I Generate a List of all Valid Emails in the DDI Connect System?

There are two ways to do this. Which way is best will depend on how many constituent records you have in your system.

Using Email Generator

If you do not have a large number of constituents in your database, this method will be a quick and easy way to see all email addresses in your DDI Connect system.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address System
  • Double-click Name/Address Email Writer. You will see this screen:

Email 1.png

  • Without entering any criteria, click Search. The search time will vary, depending on how many individuals you have in your database. The search will complete, however, and you will see this screen:

Email 2.png

  • Point your mouse at one of the column headers in the results screen, and right click. You will see this option:

Email 3 2.png

Select "Display in Spreadsheet" to display the list of the individuals and their email addresses.

Using the Extract Module

This process assumes that you are familiar with the DDI Connect Extract Module. If you are not, we recommend reviewing this page: Using the Extract Module

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double click the Extract Module
  • Double-click Information Query. You will see this screen:

Extract 1.png

  • Click the Name tab
  • At the top of the screen, next to "Select", click "Constituents":

Extract 2.png

  • Click the drop down arrow next to the Constituent email field and select "Only valid email addresses"

Extract 3.png

  • Click the Output tab
  • Click the drop down arrow next to the Output format field:

Extract 4.png

  • Select Data file. This will activate the data file fields:

Extract 5.png

  • Name the file and save it to a location you have access to
  • Click Start

This will generate a list of all valid email addresses in your constituent database.