Generate Labels from File

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Overview of NA64

The Generate Labels from File process allows you to select a text file and generate labels from that file.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address System
  • Double-click Generate Labels from File. The parameters screen will launch:

Labels from File 1.png

Click the folder icon to navigate to the file you wish to generate labels from. When you have located the file, click Open. When you return to the Labels screen, click the Labels button. The Label Parameters screen will launch:

Labels from File 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Quantity Select the radio button next to the quantity option that you wish to use
Label type Select either Mailing labels or CSV file
Sort Mode Select the sort mode you wish to use for the file output
Remove Duplicates If selected, duplicates will be removed from the label output
Combine Residents If selected, the system will only generate one label for each unique address
Include Prefix for Labels If selected, the system will include prefixes on the label output
Capitalize Labels If selected, the label information will print in all capital letters
Include Spouses If selected, spouse names will be included on labels
Print PIN on label If selected, the constituent PIN will be printed on the labels

When you have made your selections, click OK. The system will launch the Envelopes and Labels screen, and allow you to print your labels.