Transactions Screen

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Overview of FR015INQ

The Transactions screen allows you to view details on all transactions associated with a specific FR item (such as events, named funds, etc.. When you first click into this screen, you will see something similar to this:

Event Receipt Transactions 1.png

First, enter the date range that you wish to view transactions for. You can type just a beginning or just an ending date, or a range. Type the date(s) in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon(s) to select the date(s). The transactions will appear. To view details, click the transaction. The Transaction details area of the screen will update with the transaction's information:

Event Receipt Transactions 2.png


If you click the Changes button on the toolbar, the Edit History screen for the transaction will appear. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event Receipt Transactions screen.

GL Trans

If you click the GL Trans button on the toolbar, it launches the GL Transactions Inquiry screen for the transaction group. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Event Receipt Transactions screen.