Email Users of Security Function

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Overview of DDI32

If you wish to send an email to all DDI Connect users having a specific security function, you can do so on this screen. For example, if your organization is changing the process it uses for the entry of cashier batches and you want to make sure that you inform everyone responsible for this process, you could use this functionality to make sure that the email goes to everyone having that access within DDI Connect.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click User Utilities
  • Double-click Email Users of Security Function. You will see this screen:

Email Users 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Module Click the drop down arrow to select the module that the security function resides in. For example, if the security function that you wish to select is an Investment function, you would click the drop down arrow here and select Investment & Loan System
Function Once you have selected the module, you can select the security function. Click the drop down arrow to select the function whose users you wish to email
Attachment If you wish to add an attachment to the email, you can do so here. Type the path and file name or click the folder icon to navigate to the attachment
Subject Enter a subject for the email
From The From field will default to the sender's email address. You can update the From field with any active email address
Forward list of recipients to sender If this box is selected, an email will be sent to the sender, containing the list of users and email addresses that received the email
Message Type the email message

When you have finished entering the information, click Send Email. The email will be sent to all users having that security function in their User Profile.