Donor Information from Constituent Record Not Correct

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We are comparing donor information between the constituent record and the account record, and they do not match. Why?

Within DDI-Connect, the way that master accounts work is that each linked constituent has their own individual donor account, and then there is a master account that shows all linked information. If you view the donor account from the Status tab of the constituent, you are viewing the individual donor account for that constituent, NOT the gift information for the master account. If, however, you click Accounts from the constituent and then click the Donor tab, you will see the gift information for the account.

For example:

John and Amanda Smith are spouses, each with a constituent record in your system. They are linked with a relationship of SPOU. Within ACCOUNTS, John is set up to be the Tax account (i.e., Master), and Amanda is linked to the account, again with a relationship of SPOU.

When you are in Name/Address Inquiry and you look up John's constituent record, if you click the Status tab and click Donor, you will see ONLY those gifts that are recorded under John's constituent PIN.

If you do the same under Amanda's constituent record, you will see only those gifts recorded under Amanda's constituent PIN.

However, if you click Accounts, then click the Donor tab on the Account screen, you will see all gifts that were given under the Account - this will include both John and Amanda's gifts.