Cycle Count Quantity Adjustments

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Overview of IV350

Once the counters have tallied the necessary stock quantities, they will turn the cycle count sheets over to a designated person in the inventory area who will enter the counted quantities into DDI-Connect using Cycle Count Quantity Adjustment. During cycle counting, there are a few factors influencing count accuracy that may not be obvious to the counters or the inventory manager(s). Therefore the quantities tallied by the counters and those listed in the system may be different, but for very good reasons. When count discrepancies occur, an investigation of the discrepancies should take place before any quantity adjustments are made.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Inventory
  • Double-click Inventory Counting
  • Double-click Cycle Count Quantity Adjustments. You will see this screen:

Cycle Count Quantity Adjust 1.png

To begin, select the Count sheet PIN that you wish to work with. Type the PIN in the field or click the list icon to select from a list of count sheets in the system. The screen will populate the information:

Cycle Count Quantity Adjust 2.png

Review the Counter Information in the upper left corner. If you need to edit it, click the Edit button. You will see this screen:

Cycle Count Quantity Adjust 5.png

To change the counter user ID, type the user ID code or click the list icon to select from a list of active cycle count user IDs in the system. Click OK when you have finished.

To adjust the actual quantity for a line, click in the Actual Qty line for the item:

Cycle Count Quantity Adjust 3.png

Enter the actual quantity. Repeat the process for each line needing adjustment. When you have finished, click Process Sheet on the toolbar. You will be prompted with this message:

Cycle Count Quantity Adjust 4.png

If you are ready to mark the sheet complete, click Yes. This will change the count sheet status from Active to Closed, and no more modifications can be made.