Correct a Voucher with Canceled Items

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We have an accounts payable voucher where some of the items were canceled, after payments were made. How can we correct this in both AP and the general ledger?

  • First, you'll correct the voucher in AP Voucher Entry. Make sure that the fiscal year is set to the appropriate year, then select Edit to edit the voucher
    • Make sure that the G/L Tran date is the appropriate date
    • Edit the invoice total to be the total that it should be (less the amounts for the canceled items)
    • Click the line items tab. You'll receive a message "Invoice amount has changed. Recalculate all line items based on percentages?” You will want to click No
    • Once on the Line Items screen, you’ll want to click on the line item with the GL account needing to be adjusted, and adjust the amount to be the previous amount less the items being canceled. For example: You are removing line items in the amount of $250.00 for a specific GL account. Edit the line item for that gl account and modify the total so that it is $250.00 less
    • Save the voucher
  • Next, go to FundWriter -->Administrative Tasks --> Post Transactions to GL
  • Select AP as the type of transactions to post, and set the "Post Transactions thru" to be the date you used for the G/L Tran date on the voucher

This should correct the issue. If it does not, contact DDI Client Support for assistance