Copying Chart of Accounts to New Year

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Overview of FW28

After you have reviewed your existing chart of accounts and made changes for the new year, the DDI Connect system provides an easy method for copying the accounts forward.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click FundWriter
  • Double-click Administrative Tasks
  • Double-click Copy Chart of Accounts. You will see this screen:

COA Copy 1.png

Verify the copy from and the copy to fiscal years. You also have the option of including inactive accounts without activity, which would be used if you added new GL accounts prior to the copy or if you had inactive accounts that you plan to use in the new fiscal year. Finally, if your organization has multiple entities set up within DDI Connect and you wish to copy all entities, select that box. Click Start. The system will prompt you with this message:

COA Copy 2.png

If you are sure you wish to copy, click OK. You will see this screen while the copy is working:

COA Copy 3.png

When it is complete, you will see this message:

COA Copy 4.png

Click OK. You can now exit the screen.