Church Statistical History

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Overview of NA223

The Church Statistical History allows you to extract a tab delimited text file displaying a church's statistics for a span of years that you designate. The output lists the church name, region, city and state, and the statistics for each of the years within the span you specified. To generate this report:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Yearbook System
  • Double-click 223 Church Statistical History. You will see this screen:

Church Stat History 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Church PIN Type the PIN that you wish to generate the statistics for, or click the search icon to launch Name/Address Inquiry to search for the constituent record
Year range/to Enter the beginning and ending year that you wish to generate statistics for

Click Save. You will be prompted to save the file. Enter the path and file name or click the folder icon to navigate to the location where you wish to save the file. Once the file is generated, you will see this message:

Church Stat History 2.png

You can now open the file or import it into Excel or any other program that allows you to import tab delimited files. Click below to view a sample of this output.

Sample NA223.pdf