Changing a Loan Type

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Overview of IL441

Changing the type of an established loan enables you to affect various aspects of its use, including the default interest rate and amortization rate, and the security functions tied to the loan type. Switching the loan type also alters the general-ledger accounts used in transactions involving this loan, if your organization has multiple general ledger accounts for loans. To change a loan's type:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Loans
  • Double-click Transactions
  • Double-click 441 Loan Change Type. You will see this screen:

Loan Change Type 1.png

In the Loan # field, type the loan number that you wish to change. You can also click the list icon to display a list of all loans in the system, or click the binoculars to search for the loan. Once you have located the loan, press enter or click Find. The screen will now populate with the loan's information:

Loan Change Type 2.png

The following fields are displayed on this screen:

Field Description
Loan # The loan whose information you are currently viewing
Account Account number and name/address information of the borrower
Remitter If applicable, account number and name/address information of the loan's remitter
Current loan type Code and description of the current loan type
Current GL account Number and description of the current GL account
Current interest rate The loan's current interest type
New loan type This is the only field you are allowed to edit on this screen. Type the code of the new loan type, or click the list icon to display and select from a list of all active loan types in the system
New GL account Once you have selected the new loan type, this field will populate with the new GL account to be associated with the loan

In the New loan type field, type the code or select the new loan type. If the information is correct, click Save. The system will display the message:

Transaction Successful.png

Click OK. You will be returned to the initial Loan Change Type screen. You can now modify another loan, or click Exit to leave this screen.