Change Batch Date in Cash Receipts

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Can I change the date of a batch once it's been closed?

Yes you can.

  • Go to Cash Receipts (Stage 1)
  • When you reach the Batch Items Entry screen, verify the date in the Date field is the date that the batch was set up with:

Change Batch Date 1.png

  • Click either the mailroom or cash batch icon, depending on what kind of batch you are wishing to modify:

Change Batch Date 2.png

A list of the batches of that type that were created on the selected date will appear:

Change Batch Date 3.png

Locate the batch that you wish to modify. You can either double-click it or click once and then click the Open folder. This will open the batch:

Change Batch Date 4.png

Click File and select Change Batch Settings:

Change Batch Date 5.png

The screen will activate the fields that you are able to modify:

Change Batch Date 6.png

Modify the date to be the date you wish to use, then click OK. You will be prompted with this warning:

Change Batch Date 7.png

Click Yes. The date will now be changed:

Change Batch Date 8.png

You can now exit the cash processing system.