Agency Maintenance

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Overview of FR421UPD

If your organization works with other agencies on events, you may with to maintain certain information about those agencies. The Agency Maintenance screen allows you to do so. For example, you may wish to track whether or not they are tax exempt, and whether or not you have a copy of their IRS letter on file. In order to utilize the Agency Maintenance screen, the agency in question must be linked via Local Allocations to at least one event.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect FR
  • Double-click Event & Program Management
  • Double-click Agency Maintenance. You will see this screen:

Agency Maint 1.png

In order to proceed, you must enter or search for the agency PIN that you wish to work with. Enter the PIN and press Enter or click the search icon to locate the agency. Once you have located it, you will see a screen similar to this one:

Agency Maint 2.png

To modify the record, click Edit on the toolbar. This will enable the upper fields for editing:

Agency Maint 3.png

The following fields are available for editing:

Field Description
Verify date Enter the date that the agency's nonprofit status was verified
Tax exempt If the agency is tax exempt, check this box
IRS letter If you have received a copy of the agency's IRS letter confirming their tax exempt status, check this box

When you have finished making your modifications, click Save.

At the bottom of the screen, you will see a list of all events that this agency is associated with. If you double-click an event, it will launch the event viewer. When you have finished viewing the screen, click Exit to return to Agency Maintenance.