Adding a Soft Credit to a Gift

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Overview of FR027UPD

Soft credit is simply recorded credit for a monetary gift without any tax or financial implications. Perhaps a family has given a gift to support a certain cause, and it wants each member’s name on the gift. One person (i.e., the name on the check) would have to go on record as providing the funds for the gift. But each person in the family could receive soft credit for the full amount of the gift. As long as each name is already set up as a name record in DDI-Connect, each person can be given soft credit for the gift. You can assign new soft credit via the Soft Credit tab in Gift Entry

Once you have entered and saved a gift in Gift Entry, you have the option of adding a soft credit. From the Gift Setup screen, click Actions and select Soft Credit:

Soft Credit 1.png

This adds the soft credit tab to the gift:

Soft Credit 2.png

Click the New button on the toolbar. The fields now become active for data entry:

Soft Credit 3.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
PIN/Master ID You must enter either a constituent ID or master account ID in order for the soft credit to associate properly. Type the ID or click the appropriate search icon to locate the constituent or account. You also have the ability to add a new constituent or master account from this screen. Click the add button to be taken to either the Constituent Entry or Account Entry screen
Name/Address Information Once you have selected the constituent, their name and address information will appear to the right of the PIN/Master ID field
Soft credit Select the soft credit method you wish to use. If you select either Fixed amount or Fixed percentage, an additional field will activate that allows you to enter either the dollar amount or percentage that you wish to use as soft credit
Memo If you wish to add a memo to this soft credit, type it in this field

When you have finished entering the information, click OK. The soft credit will now be added to the gift:

Soft Credit 4.png

You can add as many soft credit line items to the gift as desired. When you have finished, click Save to retain the changes.