Add Email Recipient to Job Processing Report

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How do I add or change the email recipient(s) for job processing report(s)?

To add or modify email recipients in job processing:

  • Double-click the Supervisor Menu from the DDI-Connect main menu
  • Double-click System Administration
  • Double-click the Jobs icon:

Change Email Setting 1.png

The Job Maintenance screen will launch.

  • Find the report that you wish to modify
  • Click it ONCE to highlight, then click the Setup button on the toolbar:

Change Email Setting 2.png

  • The report parameters screen will launch. Click the Print Options button:

Change Email Setting 3.png

  • The Report Options screen will launch. Verify that Email is selected, then click OK:

Change Email Setting 4.png

  • In the Recipients box, type the recipient or recipients who should receive the email. You can separate the email addresses by comma, space, semicolon or a return:

Change Email Setting 5.png

  • Click OK. You will be returned to the report parameters screen
  • Click OK again. The report has now been modified