Adding Multiple Users under One Account

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If you have a client (individual, organization or church) who wants to have more than one person set up to access the Online CEF account, but they do NOT wish to provide individual information (such as SSN), there is a way you can do this.

For example, you have a church who holds investments with you. That church has two staff members who are responsible for managing the investments. They do NOT have individual investments with your organization, and do not wish to provide you with their social security numbers...they both wish to register using the church's Tax Identification Number. Here is how you set it up:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Account Entry
  • Using the Search icon, locate the church's account:

Link to Online 1.png

On the toolbar, click View and select NA Web Access:

Link to Online 2.png

This will take you to the NA Web Access Maintenance screen

Link to Online 3.png

Click the New button on the toolbar. The screen will enable for data entry:

Link to Online 4.png

Complete the fields as follows:

Field Description
Web user ID Enter the desired user ID for the first staff member
PIN Leave the PIN selected for the Church
Organization PIN Leave blank, as this field does not apply here
Web access type Click the drop down arrow and select Primary Account Holder (the other two options do not function at this time)
Activation code Click Generate to generate the activation code, and make note of the ID/code

Once you have entered the information, click Save. You'll see this message:

Link to Online 5.png

Click Yes. You will be taken to the Web User Account Maintenance screen:

Link to Online 6.png

The only thing you have to enter on this screen is the email address for the first staff member. Once you have entered it, click Save. You will see this prompt:

Link to Online 7.png

You can enter a password or click Generate Random Password. Once a password has been entered, click OK to proceed. When you return to the Web User Maintenance screen, click Save. The first user ID is created:

Link to Online 8.png

To add the second staff member, click the New button on the toolbar again. You'll see the screen for adding a new web user:

Link to Online 4.png

Note how the PIN is still your church:

Link to Online 9.png

Set up the second staff member EXACTLY as you did the first, including setting their web access type to Primary Account Holder. Once you have added the user, you should see this:

Link to Online 10.png

When the staff members register for their access, they should enter the church's TIN and the activation code that you provided to them. They will both now have access, but both logins are registered under the church.