Cash Processing Stage 1

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Overview of CR10

To access Cash Processing:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Daily Cash Processing
  • Double-click Cash Receipts Stage 1

There are two types of batches within DDI Connect:

  • Mailroom batches: Receipts within a mailroom batch cannot be processed by the person entering the batch
  • Cashier batches: Receipts within a cashier batch can be processed by the person entering the batch:

Batch Processing 1.png

  • Click the appropriate icon, based on the type of batch you are entering. This activates other icons on the screen:

Batch Processing 2.png

  • If you are creating a new batch, click the New batch icon. If you are editing an existing batch, click the Open Batch icon. For the purposes of this document, we will assume that the New Batch icon was clicked. This screen will appear:

Batch Processing 3.png

  • Review the bank account, suspense and date fields to ensure that they are correct
  • If desired, enter the control total. This tells the system what the total amount of the batch should be, and can be used to double-check individual receipts entered to ensure that they add up to the correct amount
  • Click OK. This activates the Batch Item Entry screen:

Batch Processing 4.png

  • Click the New Item icon:

Batch Processing 5.png

  • Click the drop down to designate the type of payment (cash, check, money order, etc.):

Batch Processing 6.png

Note that if you select Check, the check # field is a required field.

  • Enter the Check # (if applicable)
  • Enter the amount of the item
  • In the Reference field, you can enter the investment, loan or gift number. This will automatically associate the funds to that item. If no investment, loan or gift exists yet for the funds, leave the Reference field blank.
  • Click OK. This adds the item to the batch and allows you to add another, if desired
  • When you have finished adding all of the items, click File and Select Exit. This closes the batch and makes it available for the next step, Payment Processing. For information on how to perform payment processing, reference this page: Payment Processing FR