A/P Setup

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Overview of AP01

The AP System Setup screen allows you to customize how DDI-Connect uses its accounts-payable system to track amounts due to outside vendors.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Accounts Payable
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click A/P Setup. You will see this screen:

AP Setup 1.png

If your organization does not have multiple entities, you will only see one tab at the bottom of this screen. Organizations with multiple entities will see a tab for each entity.

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Use Name/Address system to maintain vendors Option indicating that new vendor records are accessible via the Name/Address Inquiry for this organization. If this checkbox is selected, vendor records are grouped together with all Name/Address records for purposes of voucher entry. If this checkbox is de-selected, vendor records are segregated from all other Name/Address records for purposes of voucher entry
Vendor address types This field is only enabled if you check the box for "Use Name/Address System to maintain vendors". No clients currently have this enabled. Field allowing an organization to specify which address type or types should be used to determine the vendor’s default address. Only enabled if Use Name/Address System to maintain vendors box has been selected. Vendor address types are maintained in the Name/Address code set
Transaction posting method Options indicating how (or whether) accounts-payable transactions are to post to the general ledger. The following methods are available:
  • Batch – Indicates that AP transactions are to post in a consolidated fashion by batch
  • Do not post – Indicates that AP transactions are not to post to the general ledger
Posting consolidation method Options indicating how (or whether) voucher postings are to be consolidated. The following methods are available:
  • None – Indicates that voucher postings are not to be consolidated. Posts each voucher transaction individually;
  • Expense – Indicates that all expenses within the same voucher batch are to be consolidated for posting purposes;
  • A/P – Indicates that all accounts-payable amounts within the same voucher batch are to be consolidated for posting purposes;
  • Both – Indicates that all expenses and accounts-payable amounts within the same voucher batch are to be consolidated for posting purposes
Memo type Example
Maintain voucher batches When this option is selected, each of this organization’s subsequent new vouchers is assigned to a batch in Voucher Entry (AP10).

Note: If you de-select this option when voucher batches already exist or select this option when vouchers without batches exist, batches that do not conform to the selected rule are not accessible through Voucher Entry

Reset voucher numbers to 1 at the start of each year Option indicating that automatic voucher numbering for this organization should revert to 1 at the beginning of each new fiscal year. If this option is de-selected, sequential voucher numbers continue in the new fiscal year
Include discount/credit details on check stubs Option indicating that detail of any applicable discounts or credits in the AP transaction should display as a separate line item on the check’s top stub
Load account number for vendor into voucher memo field Option indicating that the vendor’s account number (shown under the contact name, phone, and fax number in Vendor Entry) should display in the memo field of a new voucher record
Allow manual voucher number entry Option that makes the Voucher # field editable for manual assignment of a voucher number in Voucher Entry. Voucher Entry does not allow the selection of a previously used voucher number
Include payment type with voucher # on posting report When this option is enabled, the posting report (FW20) replaces the initial character of the voucher number (normally displayed as “V#12345” in the Reference column) with one of the following characters:
  • C – Check
  • A – ACH wire
  • S – SWIFT wire
Apply general ledger date for approval Option that selects the Apply G/L date checkbox by default in Voucher Approval (AP13) and Credit Memo Approval (AP14). This prevents the user from forgetting to toggle this option on when approving individual vouchers or credit memos. The Apply G/L date checkbox is a means of assigning the same transaction date to all records approved within the same session
Discount G/L account Example
Default checking account Example
Default A/P account Example
Voucher approval required Example
Email payment notices automatically for ACH payments Example
Default terms Example