Memo Category Setup

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Overview of NA76SET

Within DDI-Connect, memos are used throughout the system to add notes to various types of records, including constituent, account, gifts, accounts payable, and others. DDI-Connect allows you to categorize these memos for easier searches and reporting. There are no default categories in the system, so you will have to add those you wish to use.

Note: You will need the appropriate security level to access Memo Category Setup. If you are unable to access the setup screen, please contact your organization's DDI Connect administrator or contact DDI Client Support for assistance.

To add a memo category to the system:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address System
  • Double-click Setup
  • Double-click Memo Category Setup. You will see this screen:

Memo category 1.png

You will see the list of existing memo categories (if any) displayed. To add a new memo category, click the New button on the toolbar:

Memo category 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Screen label This is the Category name that users will see when they select a category from the list during the creation of a memo
Description This is the longer, more descriptive text that describes what the memo category is to be used for
Security Required This function utilizes the DDI-Connect Security codes. For a thorough understanding of how security works within DDI-Connect, we recommend you reference the Security document located here: Security Function Maintenance

To set security on a specific code, you would enter the requirements in this format: !NA/7 or #NA. These are just can use whatever security function you like in order to restrict access to a code.

When you have entered all of the information, click the Save button on the toolbar. Your new category has been created:

Memo category 3.png

To view the edit history of a memo category, make sure the category is highlighted and click the Edit History button on the toolbar:

Memo Cat History.png

This launches the Edit History screen

When you have finished viewing the history, click Exit to return to the Memo Category screen.