Name/Address Inquiry

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An important factor in the success of a CRM (Constituent Relationship Management) tool is the ability to quickly and easily locate information. The DDI-Connect system allows you to query on several different fields, and you can combine multiple fields to further refine your searches.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Name/Address
  • Double-click Name/Address Inquiry. You will see this screen:

File:NA Inquiry 1.jpg

You have the following fields available to you on this screen:

Field Description
PIN If known, you can enter the constituent's account PIN
Tax ID If known, you can enter the constituent's social security number/tax identification number
Name The DDI Connect system utilizes the format of last name, first name, middle initial. Records will also be returned based on soundex logic (i.e., names that sound like the one you typed)
Acct type Click the drop down list to select from the available account types in the system. Your choices are (C) - Church, (F) - Family, (I) - Individual or (O) - Organization
Zip code / thru If known, you can enter a constituent's ZIP code. You can also enter a ZIP code range, to return all records having ZIP codes within that range
AI Codes AI (Account Information) codes allow you to further classify similar records. For information on how to set up AI codes, please reference this page: AI Code Setup To search on one or more AI codes, either enter them in (separated by commas) or click the list icon to the right of the field to select from a list of available codes
City Enter the city that you wish to search, if applicable
State Enter the state that you wish to search, if applicable
Region If your organization utilizes regions, you can search by those here. You can either enter a region or click the list icon to the right of the field to select from a list of available regions
Comm If your organization utilizes communities, you can search by those here. You can either enter a community or click the list icon to the right of the field to select from a list of available communities

Click the Add'l button on the toolbar to display additional search fields:

File:NA Inquiry 2.jpg

Field Description
Email If known, you can enter a constituent's email address to locate their record
Created / thru If you know a date (or date range) during which the constituent record was created, you can enter that here in a mm/dd/yyyy format
Alt ID If your organization utilizes the Alternate ID option, you can enter that ID here to search for a constituent. For information on how to set up Alternate IDs, please reference this page: Alternate ID Type Setup
Age / thru If you are searching for constituents falling into a specific age range, you can enter that search criteria here. If you enter just the age, without populating the thru, the system will return all records where the constituent is that age or older. Please note that the results will also include any constituent record where the age is blank. The opposite search also applies (entering just a "thru" age without entering a starting age)
Denominations You can search by denominations by either typing in a denomination or clicking the list icon to the right of the field to select from a list of available denominations
Excl AIC If you would like to filter records by excluding a particular AI code (or codes), type the code(s) here or click the list icon to the right of the field to select from a list of available AI codes

To return to the primary inquiry screen, click the Add'l button again.


Also available on the inquiry screen is the ability to quickly print labels for the constituents who matched your search results. To do this:

  • Run your query
  • When you have the results, click the Labels button on the toolbar. You will have two choices:
    • Print Labels
    • Print to File

Print Labels

  • If you select Print Labels, you will see this screen:

File:Labels 1.jpg

You have the following options:

Option Description
Combine Residents If selected, the system will only generate 1 label for each mailing address
Include Spouses If selected, the system will include spouses' names for all constituents where that is applicable
Capitalize Labels If selected, the system will generate the labels in all capital letters
Include Prefix for Labels If selected, the system will include prefixes along with the names of the constituents
Print PIN on label If selected, the system will include the constituent PIN on labels
One per Member (disregard quantity) If your organization utilizes committees, this option will generate one label per member, regardless of the member quantity established on the committee record. For information on setting up Committees, please reference this page: Committee Setup
Use Member Quantities If selected, the system will generate the specified number of labels according to the setting on the Committee record for this member

  • When you have selected your label criteria, click OK. This will launch the Envelopes and Labels screen:

File:Labels 2.jpg

This is the standard Word envelopes and labels screen. Select your critera based on label type, etc. and click Print to generate the labels.

Print to File

  • Run your Inquiry
  • When the results are returned, click the Labels button on the toolbar and select "Print to File". You will see this screen: