Loan Risk Rating Details

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Overview of IL481

A loan risk rating calculates the borrower's likelihood of defaulting on their loan. The Loan Risk Field detail allows you to add and update fields that will allow your organization to calculate a borrower's risk rating. To view/modify a borrower's loan risk information:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Financial Inquiry
  • In the loan field, enter the loan number you wish to work with. You can also click the list icon to select from a list of loans in the system
  • From the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen, click View and select Risk Rating Details. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Loan Risk Field Detail 1.png

You see the following information on this screen:

Field Description
Loan number Loan number that you are currently working with
Original risk rating The loan's original risk rating
Calculated risk rating The calculated risk rating, based on the values of the field(s) below
Current risk rating The loan's current risk rating
Current risk date Date that the current risk rating was calculated/input
Field Description of the loan risk field
Value Value of the loan risk field

To add a new risk field, click the New button on the toolbar. The following fields will activate:

Loan Risk Field Detail 2.png

Field Description
Field name Click the drop down arrow to select the field you wish to add
Value Enter the appropriate value for the field you selected

When you have selected the field and entered the value, click Save to add the record to the loan.

If you wish to add all available Loan Risk Fields, click the Generate button. You will see this message:

Loan Risk Field Detail 3.png

Click Yes. The system will add all Loan Risk Fields that are available. To modify a field's value, double-click it or click it to highlight and then click the Edit button. Click Save when you have made your changes.

When you are ready to calculate the borrower's updated risk rating, click the Calculate button. You will see this message:

Loan Risk Field Detail 3.png

Click Yes. You will now see this prompt:

Loan Risk Field Detail 4.png

The risk information at the top of the screen will now update:

Loan Risk Field Detail 5.png

If you wish to view the edit history for any of the fields, you can click the field and then click the History button to view the Edit History. When you have finished viewing the history, click Exit to return to the Loan Risk Field Detail screen.

When you have finished on this screen, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.