Detailed Loan Inquiry

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Overview of IL407VIEW

Under varied circumstances following the creation of a loan record, you will need to use the Financial Inquiry to access loan data. The Financial Inquiry is a flexible tool providing access to information about investments, loans, portfolios, and lines of credit. All of the functions described in this section are available only by using the Financial Inquiry to select a loan record.

The Financial Inquiry is usually accessible under the Financial Services folder in the DDI-Connect main menu. Launching it enables you to use the Loan field to enter the number of the loan you want to display. If unsure of this number, you can also click the adjacent button to search for the loan. To view detailed loan information:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Financial Inquiry. You will see this screen:

File:Detailed Loan Inquiry 1.png

In the Loan field, type the loan number you wish to view. As noted above, you can also click the list icon to view a list of all loans in the system. When you have entered the loan number, you can either click Find on the toolbar or press Enter to bring up the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen:

Detailed Loan Inquiry 2.png

You have multiple tabs on this screen, along with other options via the View button on the toolbar. Those screens are detailed below.

Summary Tab

Payments Tab

Adjustments Tab

Fees Tab


Disbursement Tab

Miscellaneous Tab

Remitter Tab

View Button

The View button allows you to view multiple screens of information related to the loan. Select one of the options below to view the related screen.

Transaction Inquiry

To view transaction history for this particular loan, click View and select Transaction Inquiry. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Documentation

Loan Payment History

To view loan payment history, click View and select Loan Payment History. When you have finished viewing the information, click Exit to return to the Detailed Loan Inquiry screen.

Loan Tax Maintenance

Loan Change History

Loan Support Inquiry

Loan Insurance Maintenance

Loan Tickler

Loan Memos

Loan Calculator

Conversion History

Payoff Calculations

Loan Relief Maintenance

Transaction Reasoning

Risk Rating Details