Vendor Listing by 1099 Type

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Overview of AP34

The Vendor Listing by 1099 Type generates 1099 information for vendors for a tax year. This report is used to update the IRS Reporting System with accounts payable information, traditionally used for reporting 1099 MISC income. To generate the report:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Accounts Payable
  • Double-click Reports
  • Double-click Vendor Listing by 1099 Type. The parameters screen will launch:

AP34 1.png

You have the following options:

Field Description
Base date Enter the base date for this report. The date is used to determine tax year, and should typically be 12/31/XXXX. Enter the date in a mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the date
1099 type Type the 1099 code or click the list icon to select from a list of 1099 types
Vendor type Example
Sort by Example
Load IRS payee information Example