Connect FR General System Setup

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Overview of FR001SET

The General System Setup for Connect-FR allows your organization to make certain modifications to the system. You can identify the labels for certain gift fields, establish the system definition of a "large donor", and other settings. To access the General System Setup:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Connect-FR
  • Double-click FR System Setup
  • Double-click General System Setup. You will see this screen:

FR System Setup 1.png

There are four tabs with various fields available for you to modify.

Basic & Display Tab

FR System Setup 2.png

You have the following options on this screen:

Field Description
Connect-FR modules This field indicates the various modules in use beneath the Connect-FR application. This field should only be modified by DDI staff
Gift purpose label/abbreviation This field indicates the label and abbreviation that your organization would like to use for the promotion type field on gifts, extracts, etc.
Gift source label/abbreviation This field indicates the label and abbreviation that your organization would like to use for the promotion source field on gifts, extracts, etc.
First designation label/abbreviation This field indicates the label and abbreviation that your organization would like to use for the Desig 1 field on gifts, extracts, etc.
Second designation label/abbreviation This field indicates the label and abbreviation that your organization would like to use for the Desig 2 field on gifts, extracts, etc.
Display PIN field before Master ID field on entry screens If this option is selected, screens such as Gift Entry will display the PIN (constituent PIN) field first, followed by the Master ID (account ID). If not selected, the Master ID field is first
Gift postal codes checked for validity Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example
Example Example