Online CEF Settings

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Overview of IL01WEB

The Online CEF Settings screen allows you to configure settings such as interest frequency codes, funding methods, and emails. To access the screen:

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Online-CEF
  • Double-click Online-CEF Settings. You will see this screen:

CEF Settings 1.png

Base Settings Tab

The first tab that you see is the Base Settings tab. On this screen, you have the following options:

Field Description
Interest Frequency Codes This option specifies which interest payment frequency codes can be selected by the investor when purchasing a new investment. You can select all or just certain codes.
Investment Funding Methods Specifies which funding methods (check, EFT, credit card) the investor may choose when purchasing a new investment
Issuance Method Select “Send note”, “Book entry”, or “Safekeep note”. Online-CEF does not present this option to the online investor, but uses the setting when creating the investment following approval
Premium Method Select one of the client defined premium methods. Online-CEF does not present this option to the online investor, but uses the setting when creating the investment following approval. The premium method is set up within Codes Maintenance. For information on setting these calculation methods, please reference this page: Investment Premium Calculation Method
Allowable purchase amounts/thru Specifies the smallest and largest amounts that may be used to fund a new investment. Note that the minimum amount is also affected by the investment offering selected by the investor
Privacy policy Select the privacy policy document that is to be presented to Online-CEF users. (At least one privacy policy must have been defined and uploaded via Web Document Maintenance.) For information on uploading a privacy policy, please reference this page: Web Document Maintenance
Electronic Signature Agreement Select the electronic signature agreement document that is to be presented to Online-CEF users. (At least one electronic signature agreement must have been defined and uploaded via Web Document Maintenance.) For information on uploading an electronic signature agreement, please reference this page: Web Document Maintenance

Click the Emails tab.

Emails Tab

CEF Settings 2.png

The Emails tab allows you to edit the email text, subject and "From" address for various emails sent from Online-CEF to online users. Use the Email type drop-down box to select the type of email to be updated. You have the following options on this screen:

Field Description
Email type If more than one type of email has been configured for your organization, you can click the drop down arrow on this field to select the email type that you wish to modify
From address The address used as the “From” Address in the email’s header
Subject The email's subject line
Body The body of the text. The email body can contain HTML tags. The following fields are substituted with actual values as the email is sent:
  • $DATE – Today’s date
  • $EMAIL – The online user’s email address
  • $NAME – The online user’s name
  • $SALUTATION – The online user’s salutation, including the “Dear”, the name, and the trailing comma or colon (depending on the master account’s salutation preference and format.)

When you have finished making your changes, click Save.