Loan Fee Assessment

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Assessing a Loan Fee (IL467)

Fees can be assessed for Loan Fee Types that are set up and active in [[Loan Fee Type Maintenance |Loan Fee Type Maintenance]]Loan Fee Type Maintenance. The fees are capitalized so it gets added to the Loan Balance.

To access the loan fee assessment screen:

  • Double-click Financial Services
  • Double-click Loan
  • Double-click Transactions
  • Double-click Loan Fee Assessment. You will see this screen:


'Assess a Loan Fee

To assess a Loan Fee:

1. Search for or select the Loan from the list:


2. Select the fee that you would like to apply to the Loan from the bottom section of the screen:


3. Click to Save

4. The Fee can now be seen in the Loan Fee History:



The Fee can be seen in the associated Loan record's Loan Fee History:
