Investment Daily Checklist

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1. If this is a rollover with no changes, no action is required from you. The system will automatically handle it. If this is a renewal that has a change in terms, without a change in dollar amount prior to maturity, move to Step #2.

2. Go to Financial Services>Investments>Transactions>210 Investment Maintenance.

3. Enter the Investment Number and Click Find (or Enter on your Keyboard).

4. Update the record:

  • Change In Interest Payment Method (if needed): Click Payment Tab>Update Renew pay code to what they want it to be when it renews.

Renewals investments.png

  • Update the Redemption Method: Click Methods Tab>chose the proper Redemption method.

Renewals with Partial Redemption

1. If this is a renewal where they want to take a partial redemption out at maturity, continue to Step #2.

2. If this is a renewal that has a change in terms, prior to maturity, move to Step #3. If there is no change in terms except for the withdraw, move to Step #6.

3. Go to Financial Services>Investments>Transactions>210 Investment Maintenance.

4. Enter the Investment Number and Click Find (or Enter on your Keyboard).

5. Update the record & Click Save:

  • Change In Interest Payment Method (if needed): Click Payment Tab>Update Renew pay code to what they want it to be when it renews.

Renewals investments.png

  • Update the Redemption Method: Click Methods Tab>chose the proper Redemption method.

6. On the maturity day, perform a partial investment redemption (see Partial investment redemption section for directions).

Full Redemptions by Check

1. Go to Financial Services>Investments>Transactions>200 Investment Payout.

2. Enter the investment number and click Find (or enter on your keyboard)

3. Select the Interest Method = “Pay” and Payment Method = “Daily Check” then click Save.

Redemption Check Investments.png