Process Event Maintenance

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Overview of NA308UPD

The Process Event Maintenance allows you to configure specific events for follow up in the Connect FR system. There are only certain events (Event, Gift Receipt or Misc Revenue) that qualify for this process. You should only edit existing items on this screen, unless otherwise directed by DDI staff.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Process Management
  • Double-click Process Event Management. You will see a screen similar to this one:

Process Event Maint 1.png

Select an existing item and click the Edit button. The fields will now become enabled for editing:

Process Event Maint 2.png

The following fields are available for modification on this screen:

Field Description
Process Template Click the drop down arrow to select from a list of active process templates in the system
Is Active? If selected, this event is active in the system
Assign to DDI User Click the drop down arrow to select the user that this event process should be assigned to. To add an individual to this list, they must be added as a user within User Maintenance, and their default org MUST be your organization. If not, they will not appear on this list

When you have finished making your changes, click Save to retain them.