Purchase Order Setup

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Overview of PO01

The Purchase Order Setup screen allows you to configure the Purchase Order system for use.

  • From the DDI Connect main menu, double-click Purchase Order
  • Double-click Purchase Order Setup. You will see this screen:

PO Setup 1.png

There are multiple tabs to be configured on this screen.

System tab

The System tab consists of two sub-tabs: Base settings and Print settings.

Base settings tab

PO Setup 2.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Use Area? If selected, purchase orders will require that an area code be added during entry
Area name Enter the label that you wish to use for the Area field
Default area Enter the area that will be used by default. Type the code or click the list icon to select from a list of active area codes within the system
Use Department? If selected, purchase orders will require that a department code be added during entry
Department name Enter the label that you wish to use for the Department field
Default department Enter the department that will be used by default. Type the code or click the list icon to select from a list of active department codes within the system
Use Job Number? This field is no longer used
Default ship code Enter the default shipping code for purchase orders. You can type the code or click the list icon to select from a list of active ship codes in the system
Default billing address Enter the default billing address to be used on all purchase orders
Default shipping address Enter the default shipping address to be used on all purchase orders

Print settings tab

When you click the Print settings tab, you will see this screen:

PO Setup 3.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Print contact name and address? Whether to print the vendor contact’s name and address on the purchase order (in addition to the vendor’s name). If you select “no” here, only the vendor’s name prints on the purchase order
Specified prefix This is the prefix (if any) you want to precede the vendor contact’s name on the purchase order
Location of forms The location of your purchase-order form or forms on DDI’s server. DDI can assist you in setting this up properly. It will rarely if ever be modified
Interleave copies while printing? If you enter yes, blank pages are inserted between copies of the purchase orders
Purchase order amount format This option indicates how dollar amounts should be displayed on the purchase order. Type the format code or click the list icon to select from a list of active format codes in the system

PO Forms tab

When you click the PO Forms tab, you will see this screen:

PO Setup 4.png

To add a new form, click the Add button on the toolbar. The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Form Enter a unique code to represent this P.O. form. It’s usually best to use a code that in some way portrays the purpose of the form. If the form will be the standard P.O. for your organization, for example, the code “STDPO” might be appropriate. DDI’s Purchase Orders System allows an organization to maintain multiple P.O. forms, but in most standard applications there will be only one
Description Provide a brief description of the purpose of the form
Form file File name the system will reference for this purchase-order form. DDI can set this up or assist your organization in setting it up
Signature file File name the system will reference for the standard signature on the purchase-order form. DDI can set this up or assist your organization in setting it up
Logo file File name the system will reference for the logo on the purchase-order form. DDI can set this up or assist your organization in setting it up
Default Form If this form should be the default form used for all purchase orders, select this option
Number of Copies(1-4) The number of duplicate purchase orders to print during printing. This equates to the number of different parties requiring a copy of each purchase order: 1, 2, 3, or 4. The number entered here enables the corresponding “Copy # name” fields that are displayed below the Number of Copies field

Vendor/Items tab

When you click the Vendor/Items tab, you will see a screen similar to this one:

PO Setup 5.png

Your view will change depending on the selection you make in the View field on this screen. If you select Vendors, you will see a list of vendors. If you select Catalog items, you will see a list of items in the Inventory Catalog. The Items option is only valid if your organization utilizes the Inventory module .

To add a new record from this screen, click the New button on the toolbar. You will have two choices:

PO Setup 6.png

Add New Vendor

If you select New Vendor, the following box will appear:

PO Setup 7.png

You can enter an ID or click OK to select the next available vendor number. The system will then launch the FW Name/Address Entry screen.

New Catalog Item

If you select New Catalog item, the system will launch the Inventory Item screen.

Appr. Levels tab

When you click the Appr. Levels tab, you will see this screen:

PO Setup 8.png

This screen allows you to configure the approval levels required for purchase orders. To add a new approval level, click the drop down arrow to the right of the Purchase order type and select the type you are adding approvals for. Then, click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields will activate for data entry:

PO Setup 9.png

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Approval level description Enter a description that reflects the approval level. For example, you may have the Accounting Dept have the authority to approve purchase orders up to a particular amount. Other examples could be Department or Management
For PO amounts up through If you leave this field blank, the approval level will have the authority to approve purchase orders up through the limit on the next highest approval level. Enter a dollar amount up through which this level has the authority to approve

Once you have established the levels, the next step is to assign individuals to the various levels. This is done on the Approvals tab.

Approvals tab

Bill/Ship Addresses tab

When you click the Bill/Ship Addresses tab, you will see this screen:

PO Setup 10.png

To add a new billing or shipping address, click the Add button on the toolbar. The fields will activate for data entry:

PO Setup 11.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Address type Click the drop down arrow to select the address type that you are adding
PIN Enter the PIN for the organization linked to the address you are adding. You can also click the list icon to display a list of FundWriter Name/Addresses, the add button to add a new record, or the edit button to locate and edit an existing record
Address Click the envelope icon to the right of the address field, and select the address that you wish to use for the linked PIN
Office Enter the office (area) code or click the list icon to select from a list of active PO area codes in the system
Department Enter the department code or click the list icon to select from a list of active PO dept codes in the system
Attention If applicable, enter the ATTN name or department for the record

When you have finished entering the information, click Save. You can now enter another address, or exit if complete.