Loan Payment Request Maintenance

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Overview of IL418UPD

The Loan Payment Request Maintenance screen allows you to edit or cancel payment requests received from the Online-CEF product. From the Loan Payment Request Inquiryscreen, you can launch into the Loan Payment Request Maintenance screen:

Loan Payment Maint 1.png

The following fields are available on this screen:

Field Description
Request source This is a display only field that shows the source of the payment. It includes the source (Online CEF), the user name of the individual applying the payment, and the date/time of the transaction
Status This is a display only field that shows the status of the transaction
Account The account number for the borrower
Account Information This is a display only field that shows the borrower name and address information
Loan # Displays the loan number for which the payment is being applied
Amount due Displays the total due. If the loan is current, this field will display the total balance due on the loan. If the loan is NOT current, it will show the current payment due. If a loan is prepaid, it will show the current interest due
Due date Current loan payment due date
Effective date The effective date that should be applied for the loan payment. If your organization allows borrowers to postdate payments, the effective date will reflect the desired payment effective date
Amount to pay The amount the borrower elected to pay
Extra principal If the borrower is applying an extra principal payment, that amount will be reflected here
Extra reserve If the borrower is applying an extra reserve payment, that amount will be reflected here
Total Displays the total amount being paid
Apply payment automatically If your organization has elected to allow the automatic processing of payments, this box will be selected
Bank name The bank name that the borrower has elected to use for the payment
Routing number The routing number that the borrower has elected to use for the payment
Bank account The account number that the borrower has elected to use for the payment
Account type Will display either checking or savings

If you need to modify any of the information displayed, you can click Edit to do so. When you have finished making your changes, click Save to retain them.

If you wish to Cancel the loan payment request (if, for example, the borrower entered a duplicate or called to request that the payment be cancelled), you can do so by clicking the Cancel button on the toolbar.

To view the edit history on the request, click the History button. This will launch the Transaction History screen.

When you have finished viewing the payment request details, click Exit to return to the Loan Payment Request Inquiry screen.